New flesh-eating drug is turning people into Zombies in US

On American streets, drug overdoses have always been a problem. Every five minutes, one American dies from a drug overdose, according to federal statistics. Presently another medication is causing caution on the US roads, in a real sense decaying individuals' skin.

With its devastating effects, the substance Xylazine, also known as Tranq, is causing havoc in major cities across the nation. According to Time, Xylazine is a synthetic cutting agent for opioids like heroin that is increasingly being used as an animal tranquilizer.

In addition, the publication stated that a report found that xylazine is appearing in cities across the nation. Wherever it lands, the drug's use is rising at an exponential rate, resulting in outbreaks of skin infections and overdoses. Xylazine's national spread poses a threat to public health. It also hints at the future of the overdose crisis, which will be driven increasingly by potent combinations of powerful synthetic compounds.

Sky News says that "Tranq Dope" is a mix of veterinary medicine Xylazine and Fentanyl, the opioid that has killed so many young people in America. It costs just a few dollars per bag when sold on the street.

Authorities in public health are alarmed by its spread and concerned about the terrible effects it has on those who use it.

"Tranq is basically zombifying people's bodies," Sam stated to Sky News. The 28-year-old stated that he has struggled with a substance use disorder since he was 14 years old, and he also stated that he has been in and out of treatment for a number of years.

The New York Post reports that Xylazine causes open sores that can become serious and spread quickly after repeated exposure, as well as sedative-like symptoms like excessive sleepiness and respiratory depression. Because "tranq" is not classified as a controlled substance for humans or animals, hospitals rarely perform normal toxicology tests to check for it. This places "tranq" in a confusing and horrifying gray area.

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