These moves can be divided into workouts for the upper and lower bodies, or you can combine them into one or more full-body workouts. When 12 or more reps become too easy, add the weights for the best results. If you are unable to complete eight repetitions, reduce the weight.
For a minimum of eight weeks, plan to perform three to four sets of eight to twelve repetitions for each exercise, one to two times per week.
Dumbbell Rows

Start by holding a dumbbell in one hand and placing the other hand on a bench with your torso leaning forward to perform dumbbell rows. Row the dumbbell upwards until your arm and torso are in line. Return to where you started. Keep going until you reach your goal number of repetitions.

Pull-ups are a great exercise for building muscles in your upper body, especially your lats, upper back, and biceps. I suggest including supine, neutral, and prone grips.
Start by hanging from a pull-up bar using the grip of your choice to perform pull-ups. Pull your body as high as you can, ideally touching the bar with your chest. To get back to where you started, lower. Keep going until you reach your goal number of repetitions.
The deadlift is one of the strongest exercises you can do. The quads, glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles are worked out. A deadlift can be used to lift very heavy weights, providing a significant stimulus for building muscle throughout your lower body.
Start by placing a barbell on the floor with the appropriate amount of weight on each side and performing a barbell deadlift. Make your way up to the bar until it is just out of reach of your shins. Grip the bar with an overhand or alternating grip with the hinge at the waist. Drive through the floor and lift the bar until your hips and knees are locked out, maintaining a braced, neutral spine. Return to where you started. Keep going until you reach your goal number of repetitions.
Dumbbell Bench Press
The bench press is a popular exercise for good reason. It builds significant mass in your chest, shoulders, and arms, allowing you to lift significant weights. Because they permit a range of motion that is smoother and more natural, dumbbell bench presses are my personal choice. Having said that, you can also perform them with a barbell.
Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand while seated at the foot of a weight bench to perform dumbbell bench presses. Place the dumbbells on each side of your chest with your arms bent at the elbow and lie back on the bench. Work your way up until your arms are locked in a straight line. For maximum muscle contraction, you can bring the dumbbells together at the top of the movement. Return to where you started. Keep going until you reach your goal number of repetitions.

The squat is the first of these muscle-building exercises for men. There is a reason why squats are referred to as the king or queen of exercises. Simply put, they target all of your lower body's major muscle groups. In addition, performing barbell squats and other loaded squat variations teaches your upper body and core to stabilize, making it a true full-body workout. Back squats with a barbell are a good exercise to do if you're physically able.
Start by placing a barbell on the rack at about shoulder height to perform a barbell squat. Step under the bar and wedge it onto your traps by pulling each hand down to maintain stability. Step back with your feet shoulder-width apart after unracking the bar. Lower your hips so that your thighs are parallel to the ground as you sit back. Maintain control of the bar while remaining as upright as possible. To get back to the top, drive through both feet. Keep going until you reach your goal number of repetitions.

Bodyweight dips strengthen the triceps, shoulders, and chest. Dips can be done on a bench, but I prefer parallel bars or rings that let me use my entire body.
Start on parallel bars and grip the bars with your straight arms as you lower yourself to perform dips. By pivoting at the shoulder joint and bending your elbows, lower your chest toward the floor. Bring your upper arms down until they are in line with your torso. To get back to where you started, use both hands to drive. Keep going until you reach your goal number of repetitions.
Overhead Press

The shoulders gain significant mass from overhead presses. Overhead presses with dumbbells and barbells are both favorites of mine, but the dumbbell version is easier on novice lifters who haven't mastered the barbell technique.
Start standing with a dumbbell in each hand, held at shoulder height, for an overhead press with dumbbells. Lift dumbbells overhead and press them until your arms lock up. For maximum force, bring them together at the top. Return to where you started. Keep going until you reach your goal number of repetitions.