Did a Mother Mary Statue Discovered by Divers in the Indian Ocean?


Claim: A video of divers near a Mother Mary statue has been posted online, with the claim that the statue was discovered in the Indian Ocean by the divers while they were looking for aircraft debris.

It continues by stating that no one is aware of how the statue got there, but the viral post claims that it has remained clean for a considerable amount of time despite the fact that it should have been covered in algae.

Several Facebook users have shared the video.

A group of faith-inspired divers known as the "Sea Knights" assisted in the installation of a statue of the Virgin Mary off the Philippines' Bohol coast to stop dynamite fishing nearly nine years ago. It was hoped that god-fearing fishermen would stop using dynamite, thereby assisting in the preservation of marine life.

By Google reverse image we discovered a 2018 BBC video report. The "Sea Knights'" return to the Virgin Mary statue to determine whether it had been successfully erected was covered in the report.

The group admitted that erecting the underwater statue had taken them nearly 11 hours. Additionally, in contrast to the claims made in the viral message, corals had colonized the statue, so it was not clean. The group gave the statue a thorough cleaning and placed red rose petals near it.

Additionally, they discovered that the underwater growth of corals had been healthy ever since the statue was placed. Therefore, the assertion that divers were looking for aircraft debris when they came across the statue is completely false and misleading.

Conclusion: It would appear that the video that is being shared on social media was taken directly from the BBC report.

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