All cheats and console commands for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Few single-player games are as well-crafted as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The game, which was developed by Bethesda, is still extremely popular today and has a large community of modders.

The vanilla version of the game is mind-blowing, despite the fact that the mods have opened up a world of possibilities for it. The sheer number of activities in Skyrim can be somewhat intimidating, and beating the game can be difficult.

Many players have experimented with console commands and cheats after completing the game, which has led to unexpected outcomes. Having said that, all of The Elder Scrolls V's console commands and cheats are as follows: Skyrim.

The "" key on the keyboard must be pressed in order to bring up the console. On the keyboard, this key is directly above the "Tab" key. Players will see a small cursor icon on their screen that blinks once the button is pressed.

All of the console commands they wish to use must be typed in here. In addition, mods should not be compared to these console commands. Console commands can only alter already-installed content, not add new content to the game. On the other hand, Skyrim can be updated with new content thanks to mods.

Additionally, players should keep in mind to back up their save files. Creating a backup might be wise because there is always the possibility that using these console commands will corrupt the save files. After that, the following is a list of all the console commands that can be used by players in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Player-based console commands

tgm - God mode.

tim - Makes the player immortal. Players will still take damage, but they'll be unkillable.

tcl - Players will be able to fly through walls.

showracemenu - Players will be able to access the character creation menu and change their race. This resets player skills and level bonuses.

player.resethealth - Replenishes health instantly.

psb -Unlock and learn every spell in the game.

player.advlevel - Increases player level by one point, but doesn't add any perk points.

player.setlevel # - Replace # with the desired level number.player.

setscale # - Replace # with the desired character height, between 0.1 and 10.

advskill SkillID # - Players will have to replace the SkillID with the ID of the skill they want, and the # with the level they want.

addshout ShoutID - Players can use this to add any shout they want to by replacing the ShoutID text with the actual ID of the shout itself.

player.addperk PerkID - Similar to the ShoutID, players can add the perk they want by replacing the PerkID with the ID of the perk they want.

player.additem ItemID # - Players need to replace the ItemID with the ID of the item they wish to add.

World-based console commands

tm - Toggles hud display

tmm # - Toggles map markers. 0 disables all, 1 enables all.

tfc - Free camera mode.

sucsm # - Controls the free camera speed. Replacing # with 2 doubles the speed, while replacing it with 0.5 reduces the speed to half of the original speed.

tfow - Toggles the fog of war on the map.

tg - Toggles grass.

ts - Toggles the skybox.

tt - Toggles trees.

tws - Toggles water, but doesn't work when underwater.

Quest and NPC-related console commands

tdetect - AI doesn't detect the player when they're stealing. Doesn't work when pickpocketing.

ai - Toggles all AI behavior that isn't related to combat.

tcai - Toggles all AI combat behavior.

tc - Allows players to control the targetted NPC.

kill - Kills the targeted NPC.

killall - Kills all NPCs in an area. This could cause the game to crash.

resurrect - Brings a targeted dead NPC back to life.

caqs - Will complete all the primary stages of a quest. It can cause game crashes.

saq - Starts every single quest in Skyrim. It might cause the game to crash.

sqo - Displays all the current objectives for all the active quests in the game.

sqt - Brings up targets for all currently active quests.

showquesttargets - Shows the quest ID of the current quest along with the current stage in the quest.

player.sqs QuestID - Players will have to replace the QuestID with the ID of the one they want to track. Once entered, this command will display all the stages in the quest.

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