A Rare Wildcat Discovered for the first time on Mount Everest

On Mount Everest, the world's tallest mountain, a unique wildcat has been discovered for the first time.

The Pallas' cat is most well-known for its face, which resembles that of a Persian housecat that awoke that day feeling extra grumpy. It also has short, stubby legs and a striped, fluffy body.

Although this diminutive, sour-looking wildcat can be found in many Asian nations, primarily in Central Asia, Mongolia is thought to have the largest population.

Researchers were surprised to discover evidence that at least one Pallas's cat lives in one of the world's most remote locations.
According to a press release issued by the Bronx Zoo's Wildlife Conservation Society's Zoological Health Program, Tracie Seimon, "It is phenomenal to discover proof of this rare and remarkable species at the top of the world."

“Not only for our team but also for the larger scientific community, the nearly four-week journey was extremely rewarding. Pallas's cat's discovery on Everest sheds light on the diverse biodiversity of this remote high-alpine ecosystem and extends the species's known range to eastern Nepal.

The data that Seimon and other scientists gathered during the 2019 National Geographic and Rolex Perpetual Planet Everst Expedition, a scientific expedition to Sagarmatha National Park on Mount Everest's southern flank, were what led to the discovery.
At 5,110 and 5,190 meters above sea level, samples were collected in two locations.

Researchers were able to confirm that some of the scat samples came from Pallas's cats and that their territory overlapped with that of red fox when the samples were analyzed.

The samples also contained DNA from mountain weasel and pika, which are known to be Pallas's cats' primary sources of food.
The Pallas's cat, also known as otocolobus manul, is one of the smallest wildcats. It is about the size of a house cat and usually lives in Mongolia, China, and Tibet's steppe grasslands. They have round pupils as opposed to the vertical slits found in most cats.

One more animal has been found in Sagarmatha National Park, a World Heritage Site that is protected by the discovery.

According to Dr. Anton Seimon, National Geographic Explorer and co-author of the paper that reported their findings, "This is a unique discovery not only in terms of science but also conservation as this population of Pallas's cat is legally protected under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)." We hope that by confirming this new charismatic species, people will learn more about the variety of species at this famous World Heritage Site.

The Pallas's cat is elusive and rarely seen by humans, despite the fact that it is not thought to be in danger. According to the researchers, despite the fact that the national park surrounding the mountain used to receive very few visitors, that number has increased over time to more than 50,000 visitors in 2019, making it even rarer that the Pallas's cat was not discovered until 2019.

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