Strange behaviour of birds before the earthquake in Turkey

Claim: Visuals showing strange behaviour of birds before the earthquake in Turkey on 06 February 2023.

An earthquake that occurred earlier on Monday in Turkey and some parts of Syria is believed to have killed over 5000 people. Numerous images attributed to the current quake are being shared on social media in the wake of this deadly earthquake. One of these posts on social media includes a video of a flock of birds flying through the air, and people are linking it to the recent earthquake in Turkey. "In Turkey, strange behavior was observed in birds just before the earthquake" is the description that is included with the video that is being shared. Let's check the claim that was made in the post with the help of this article.

On the internet, images of the devastation caused by the deadly earthquake in Turkey and Syria can be found everywhere. In the midst of all of this, a video of a strange flock of birds flying is also being shared. The video claims to have been taken before the earthquake on February 6, 2023. The video has also been reported by multiple news organizations as it has gone viral on social media, though the authenticity of the video is unknown.

However, there is no connection between the viral post's video and the recent earthquake in Turkey. We were able to locate a Daily Mail news report from 2017 after performing a reverse image search on the screenshots of the viral video. This report says that the images show a flock of birds flying around erratically in the sky above a Houston freeway. According to the article, "a driver captured the creepy sight as the birds soared through a dark gray sky."

We discovered through additional research that the video was initially posted on Instagram on January 20, 2017, and that it is geotagged to Houston, Texas. Jukin Media, a media company based in California, licensed the video, according to the Instagram post's description.

The Associated Press clarified that the video is from Houston when the same video was shared linking it to the Russia-Ukraine conflict earlier. All of this demonstrates that the viral images of a flock of birds flying are old and have nothing to do with the recent earthquakes that occurred in Turkey and Syria.

In conclusion, old images of a flock of birds flying over a Houston freeway are being shared and linked to the recent Turkish earthquake.

Conclusion: These are outdated images that actually depict a flock of birds flying erratically over a Houston, Texas, freeway. The incident occurred in 2017, and media outlets have previously reported the images. The images have nothing to do with Turkey's most recent earthquake. As a result, the assertion made in the post is FALSE.

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