Strange bear-like animal image taken on Mars by NASA

While conducting research on Mars, scientists have captured what appears to be a smiling bear for the camera. The location was discovered by University of Arizona researchers while using NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) to survey the Red Planet. Images of features on the surface of Mars have been shared by scientists. These features have bulging eyes, a buttoned nose, and a muzzle that looks like it is smiling at a NASA camera. The university added that this picture was taken on December 12, 2013, while the spacecraft was about 156 miles (251 kilometers) above the ground.

The researchers wrote in a blog post: A hill has a collapse structure in the shape of a V (nose), two craters (eyes), and a circular fault pattern (head). The sediment that was deposited on the buried impact crater could be the cause of the circular fault pattern. The sediment could be lava or a mudflow, and the tip could be a crater or mud?

A psychological condition known as pareidolia is the reason why the majority of us see a bear's face smiling at us from a random collection of rocks and mountains of dust.

It's the tendency that people have to perceive or impose a meaningful interpretation of visual stimuli, resulting in patterns or meanings that don't exist.

TeahCartel, a Twitter user, wrote: "The image made a lot of people laugh." Congratulations, the bear reached Mars earlier than we all did. We should move past the man on the moon."

Robert Hurt, an astronomer at Caltech, stated in a statement, "I'm not looking for monsters." I came upon a sky I had traveled numerous times before but had never zoomed in on.

"At times in the event that you crop a region another way, it makes something you've never seen. The mouth and eyes were the ones that called out "Godzilla" to me.

The purpose of the NASA spacecraft known as the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is to investigate the climate and geology of Mars. It enables future landing sites to be scouted and transmits data from ground missions to Earth as part of its function.

Searching for water and ice on Mars, finding a place for the Mars Curiosity rover to land, and taking pictures of the comet Siding Spring, which passed close by in 2014, are among the MRO's most notable missions. Scientists from NASA reported a month ago that they had taken a picture of the Arabia Terra's northern plains that showed craters containing strange deposits with strange shapes and distributions.

Deposits cannot be found in craters smaller than 450 meters in diameter and larger than 600 meters in diameter. Additionally, there are no deposits on the north or south sides of the crater.

They wrote in a post on their blog: Layers or terraces are examples of sediments with horizontal stratification. Small, bright ridges also create radial ridges in the sediments.

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