Now China Has More ICBM Missile Launchers Than US

According to a Wall Street Journal report, the military of the United States has informed Congress that China has more land-based fixed and mobile intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launchers than the United States does. The message was sent to Congress on January 26 in a letter written by General Anthony Cotton, commander of US Strategic Command, which oversees the US nuclear arsenal. However, the letter stated that China does not possess more nuclear warheads or ICBMs than the United States.

The letter comes at a time when security experts and politicians in the United States are debating how to respond to the Chinese balloon's appearance over Montana, where a portion of China's ICBM is deployed.

In a joint statement after receiving the letter, Republican leaders of Congress' Armed Services committees referred to the document as "a wake-up call for the United States."

"It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Chinese nuclear modernization program is moving more quickly than most people thought it could. We must modify our nuclear force posture immediately to deter both China and Russia. According to CNN, the statement stated that "this will have to mean higher numbers and new capabilities."

Beijing has been making constant efforts to upgrade its nuclear capabilities and modernize its military. Leaders in the US military have noticed China's development and issued a warning to the government.

The US military has a lot of ICBMs in its arsenal. They are spread out among 400 "hardened, underground silos" and 50 "kept in 'warm' status," as stated by the US Defense Department.

According to the CNN report, the US military also has more than a dozen submarines that can launch ballistic missiles.

In addition, it stated that China recently exceeded 400 nuclear warheads while the United States possesses more than 5,000.

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