An assault on a boy in Sweden in 2015 was captured on video and is connected to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Claim: Video of Israeli police personnel strangling a Palestinian child to death.

A video is being shared on social media claiming it as visuals of Israeli police personnel strangling a Palestinian child to death. This post claims that the assaulted boy had chanted Kalima Shahadah Islamic prayer minutes before he died. Also, it claims that the incident had taken place during the Palestinians protest against moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Amid the escalating violent conflict between Israel and Palestine, this video is being shared on social media. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.

On reverse image search of the screenshots in the video, similar visuals were found in a YouTube video published on 10 February 2015. This video reported it as visuals of two Swedish security officers arresting two Muslim children at a train station in Sweden. The description of the video stated that one of the security guards had bashed a 9-year-old boy for travelling on the train without buying a ticket. This incident reportedly took place on 06 February 2015 at the Malmo city train station in Sweden. The ‘Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK’ had posted the same video on their Facebook page. They mentioned it as the visuals of a train station security guard smashing a 9-year-old Muslim boy’s head to the ground in Sweden.

Reporting the complete details of this incident, the UK-based ‘Independent’ news website published an article on 12 February 2015.  According to the article, a Swedish security guard in the Malmo train station had assaulted a 9-year-old boy and his friend for travelling on the train without buying a ticket. The security guard had reportedly smashed the boy to the ground and held his hands over the boy’s mouth and face. In his apparent state of distress, the boy had recited the Islamic prayer, Shahada. The security guards had detained the assaulted boy and his friend on the charges of travelling on the train without a ticket. The assaulted boy in the video did not die. The two security guards who were involved in this assault were taken into police custody after they were caught on camera violently detaining the two children in Malmo train station.

A few other news articles published on this incident can be seen here and here. From all these pieces of evidence, it can be concluded that the video shared in the post is related to an old incident in Sweden.

To sum it up, an unrelated old video from Sweden is shared as visuals of Israeli police personnel killing a Palestinian child.

Fact: This video shows a Swedish security guard assaulting a 9-year-old boy at Malmo city train station in Sweden. The incident took place in February 2015. The security guard had violently detained the boy and his friend for travelling on the train without buying a ticket. The boy in the video did not die. This video has nothing to do with the ongoing violent conflict between Israel and Palestine. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.

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